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      • Spanish citizenship application for International Brigade volunteers
Solicitud de nacionalidad española a voluntarios de Brigadas Internacionales
Redirigiendo a Clave para verificar su identidad

Spanish citizenship application for International Brigade volunteers

Home telematic of your application or processing
Partial electronic processing


You can submit your application electronically or begin the required procedure by following this link to the Electronic Register.

To do this, you must fill in the form found on this page and attach the specific information required for the procedure. This will provide information on the standardised application form to be used, where relevant, as well as the additional documentation required.

You will be requested to identify yourself and digitally sign your message, pursuant to the requirements established to access the Electronic Register.

This procedure is equivalent to physically submitting the form at the Ministry's General Registries Office. The system will record the form digitally signed by the applicant in an entry in the Electronic Register.

The applications submitted via this channel will subsequently be processed applying the ordinary procedure until their final resolutio.


The applicant will receive a copy of the application form in printable format (PDF). This copy includes an application number and a record number (the “entry record”) which identifies your letter before the Ministry.

List and download of standardised Justice Ministry application forms

 FAQ's: Cl@ve  Tutorial video

Consulta del estado de su solicitud
Partial electronic processing


Para realizar este trámite es necesario tener instalado en su equipo la aplicación Autofirma. Puede descargar la aplicación en el siguiente enlace: Descarga Autofirma. Este enlace se abre en nueva pantalla. La descarga incluye el manual de instalación de Autofirma.​​​

 FAQ's: Cl@ve  Tutorial video
